Who is the owner of vande bharat and shatabdi like Premium Trains What Benefit Irfc Get after Navratan Company Tag

Who is the owner of vande bharat and shatabdi like Premium Trains What Benefit Irfc Get after Navratan Company Tag

If the high speed trains of the country are mentioned, then the names of trains like Vande India and Shatabdi are definitely taken. However, have you ever wondered who is the real owner of these premium trains? At the same time, the IRFC company is in the headlines after getting the status of Navratna Company. In such a situation, the question also arises that what will be the benefit of IRFC by getting this status? Let us get you with the answers to all these questions.

IRFC CEO gave this information

After IRFC got Navratna status, the CEO and CMD of the company Manoj Kumar Dubey had a special conversation with ABP News. He said that due to the status of Navratna, the company has got many financial sogranities. After this status, the board is given autonomy in deciding. Now the decision of the company will be very fast. We will now do the business of lending in the railway much faster.

Who is the owner of Vande India and Shatabdi?

Now the question arises that who owns the premium trains like Vande India and Shatabdi? Manoj Kumar Dubey said that all the engines, wagons and coaches used in the railway belong to IRFC, which have been given to the Railways on a 30 -year lease. These are finance from the money of IRFC. According to the leasing model, it is under the name of IRFC for 30 years. In this way, all the premium trains like Vande Bharat Express and Shatabdi are all IRFC properties. This means that 80% of the railway passenger trains and freight trains are of IRFC. In this way this company helps in the progress of Indian Railways.

What does IRFC work?

According to Manoj Kumar Dubey, the railway has been doing IRFC for the last 40 years for the last 40 years by bringing the amount of money that the Railways need is required from the market at a cheap price and with a low margin. He informed that apart from the railway, quality projects will also come in other backward-forward linkage in the railway system, IRFC will also finance them. For all these projects, the company will pay at a low rate.

Railways need this much money every year

According to the CEO of IRFC, adding all the infrastructure of the railway, the railway needs more than four lakh crore rupees every year. Railways are spending two and a half lakh crores of their budget, but IRFC gives loans to its allied companies, such as container -making companies, ports related to port, electricity to railways, etc. When a company does a big project with the railway, we finance them.

How big is IRFC?

The revenue of IRFC is about 26 thousand crores. Profit after tax is Rs 6500 crore. This profit is continuously increasing. Manoj Kumar Dubey said that we will say to the share holders that the past record of this company is good. Our growth is consistent. There is also growth in our profit after tax and there is also growth in our revenue. Right now we are going to fund the entire railway eco system. The phase of moving beyond this will continue. Our profit margin quarter rate quarter will move forward.

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